CEDIA shows 3D with Arcam

Mon 21 Jun 2010 | News

CEDIA shows 3D with Arcam

Last weeks CEDIA Home Technology Event featured a large scale 3D theatre design aimed to show off the best in 3D technology. The demanding space was equipped with a high-end 3D projector from Digital Projection, a 4m screen by Image and loudspeakers by Procella while content was provided by Sky TV.

When it came to amplification for such a theatre CEDIA needed something a little special. High background noise levels and the constant movement of attendees in and out of the space demanded processing and amplification with outstanding clarity and dynamics. Little surprise then that the choice was Arcam. An AV888 processor provided signal processing while a P7777 channel power amplifier drove the Procella speaker array.

CEDIA Marketing Chair, Rufus Greenway shared the organisers thinking on the events website.“3D is the hottest news after the iPad, “We've all seen it in the cinema but the 3D feature area at the Home Technology Event will allow us to see what is technologically possible within the home.”

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